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Hello everyone, I would like to take the opportunity and welcome everyone! You may all refer to me as AMP as a shorter name for what I am usually referred to as. I would also like to thank you all for visiting this blogspot, and I hope it will be of your liking! I am open to any recommendations so please let me know, if any happen to rise! Most of all just enjoy yourself!


"Everything starts with Creativity"

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hahakomori (Set-Up Sweep)


Ok so finally its time to discuss a 5th Generation pokemon, this is a pokemon with the types Bug/Grass for those who are unfamiliar with it. This pokemon has rather respectable offensive stats which I will show below.
Ok so we can see from the chart above, that this pokemon has a really attractive base power for both its Attack and Speed levels. So keeping this in mind we move on to the rest of the business.

Item Held: Custap Berry

Nature: Adamant

Effort Value Spread:

252 Atk EVs, 252 Spd EVs, and 4 HP EVs

This gives us the average overall stats for this pokemon at:

HP~ 292
Attack~ 335
Defense~ 196
Sp. Atk~ 135
Sp. Def~ 176
Speed~ 283

Along with the following interchangeable moveset:

Agility/Swords Dance
Leaf Blade

So based on what is above we can now begin to see the great potential this pokemon has to offer. Also after the EV spread is done, we get respectable speed and great attack! Now for the stat boosting moves, if you use a nature for speed and max it out, then you should use Swords Dance as it raises the attack. But in this case we have a Attack nature with max attack, so we need Agility to allow the outspeeding of several pokemon. Endure will allow us to leave just in time to access the custap berry (which allows us to attack first once no matter the move). The final two moves are for great stab offensive moves, and provide decent neutral coverage.

So overall, I hope this moveset can be of some use to you! Thanks for reading!


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